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Captive Power is an Energy-as-a-Service company that prioritises our client’s energy awareness, and reducing their power needs, before using a detailed “top down'' approach to developing financed power solutions for Commercial and Industrial (“C&I”) clients in Africa.
Captive Power energy stability icon
1. increasing the internal power system stability;
Captive Power renewable energy icon
3. drive positive environmental impact by reducing carbon emission levels through transitioning to renewable power technologies.
Captive Power energy quality icon
2. improving power quality; and
Energy Awarness as a service icon
Energy Awareness as a Service
High energy costs and concerns with onsite energy security?
With Captive Power, our team can assist with evaluating solutions which can benefit our clients.
Captive Power energy globe image
"Success depends on previous preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure. "
- Confucius
Captive Power extract value icon
Extracting value...
... from utility invoices, on site diesel generator costs, and clients feedback from their operations.

Ways we look to support / collaborate with our Client's with a focus on reducing their Levelized Cost of Energy (“LCOE”).
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